Student Wellbeing & Welfare - Anti-Bullying

At The Academy, Selsey we take our responsibility to support all students to feel safe, secure and happy extremely seriously. 

We want students to flourish both academically and socially. We aim to foster a healthy and safe community where individuals take responsibility for themselves and show respect for others, emphasising the importance of positive relationships amongst all members of the school community. 

Everyone has a right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment free from harassment or discrimination. We work hard to foster good relationships within the school and want all pupils to be free from the fear of being bullied. 

It is bullying if someone is being intentionally unkind 'several times on purpose'. This will not be tolerated at our school and every report will be investigated fully. 

If you are concerned that you, a friend or classmate is being bullied you must report it to the pastoral team. You can use the STOP button below or speak to the team in school. 

If you feel harrassed or bullied by somebody then hit the stop button above. 

This links directly to our antibullying support email

Peer on Peer.pdf

As a school we work closely with the ABA to ensure teachers are up to date with the latest training and social challenges. 

Further information can be found here: 

Anti-Bullying Alliance